Gameboy Dmg Triwing Screws
Get the best deals on Nintendo Game Boy Replacement Parts and Tools when you shop the largest online. (GameBoy DMG) $7.00. Triwing Screwdriver for Wii & Wii U. This auction is for a set of NEW tri-wing screws. Choose 5, 6 or 10 triwing screws. Screws will work on both OEM and generic Game Boy shells: DMG, GBC, GBA, GBP. If you need a new tri-wing screwdriver click here. If you need a new tri-wing & Phillips screwdriver click here. Oct 29, 2015 What screwdriver do you use to open a original Game Boy? I'm looking to open up my old original game boy to replace the speaker but I can't find the correct screwdriver for opening it up. Can anyone please find the correct screwdriver to open it up? Retro Gaming Hero provides quality mods such as the gameboy backlight for DMG & Pocket. Illuminate your screen today! Free Shipping on all orders over $40!
You can find our backlights at

Required Parts:
Gameboy Dmg Tri Wing Screws Free
- ASM Density Backlight
- Philips head Screwdriver
- Smaller Philips head Screwdriver
- Soldering Iron
- Solder
Optional Parts:

- Flux
- Razorblade Wire strippers/cutters
- Rubbing alcohol & cotton swabs (potentially optional)
- Rubber Gloves
For disassembling your Game Boy, visit our guide here: How to Disassemble a Game Boy
Diamond rings with pretty stats (hp, res, castspd, crit, mana, remember?) is cool but good rolled is rare/costs like limo, so I'd pick those 'resses for the masses'. Oh, and for amulet - that's the main source of Dex missing for the whole leveling time, so Jade or Onyx is fine.Body Armor - our main linkage item, you could afford meh stats (HP and res is still a must tho) if it's 5L or better.
Before you begin, assure you have a genuine ASM Density Backlight. Refer to the hologram on the back of the backlight panel and reference the photo above for authenticity. Many of the Density imitations on the market are notorious for overheating the Game Boy's power regulator, causing the case's plastic to melt.
The LCD is comprised of four main layers shown in 'Figure 1'.
Our goal is to remove the bottom polarized film (which will be replaced with our own piece) and the reflective foil. DO NOT remove the top layer of polarized film. If you mistakenly remove it, you will not be able to see any data on your LCD screen.
The reflective foil is nontransparent, therefore it needs to be removed for the backlight to be visible. We remove the polarized film as well, because if we do not, there will be a considerable amount of glue residue left on it that is extremely difficult to remove. Furthermore, by using our own piece of polarized film we can 'invert' or 'bivert' the LCD.
How To Remove Tri Wing Screws
Before we begin, we recommend wearing rubber gloves to prevent getting fingerprints on the LCD. We also put a piece of plastic over the front of the LCD to prevent scratches, but this is optional.