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Rats Dps Area Dmg

I have a Couple Questions regarding Burning damage (mainly from ignite)
Im using a Fire Trap as a source of Ignite and i wanna know how some things work. (i think i know but wanna get some confirmation/clarification)
Q1. Resistances. Now, as far as i understand it Resistance affects the ignite Twice? Lowers the Initial hit causing the Dot To be less, and the the Dot is lowered if the Target has resistance.
Example: (not calculating any penetration yet)
the mob has 50% resistance. This would cut all fire damage in half.
Your initial hit is 1000.
50% resisted making it a hit of 500
500 dmg then causes a burn for 20% a sec > 100 dps
100 dps burn is then affected by Resistance of 50% making the dot do 50 dps ..
Q2. Penetration GEM. The Fire penetration Gem only affects the initial Hit and not the Dot.. Correct? in that case the math would be: (assuming fire penetration gem is 30%)
Your initial hit is 1000.
50% resistance is lowered to 20% making your hit 800
800 dmg then Causes a burn for 20% a sec > 160 dps
160 dps burn is then affected by Resistance of 50% making the dot do 80 dps ..
Q3. Penetration on the Tree (total 15%) 3 + 2 + 10 (trap)
This form of penetration works on all Fire DMG even the Dot?
math would be: (using Fire pene Gem 30% and 15% on the tree)
Your initial hit is 1000.
50% resistance is lowered to 5% making your hit 950
950 dmg then Causes a burn for 20% a sec > 190 dps
190 dps burn is then affected by Resistance of 35% (50-15) making the dot do 123.5 dps ..
Q4. Modifiers
OK now that we have Resistance taken care of lets Talk Modifiers. Specifically for Fire Trap.
Initial hit is affected by
Fire Damage
Elemental Damage
Spell Damage
Trap Damage
Area Damage
All penetration
And the Ignite is affected by
Fire Damage
Elemental Damage
Trap Damage
Area Damage
Penetration From the Tree
increased Burning
Damage over Time
Q5. Concentrated Effect
What About Concentrated Effect? It Adds More to the initial hit but does it add Twice for the Burning.
(conc 60% more) (and no resistances this time)
Your Fire trap b4 Concentrated Effect is 1000.
Adding Concentrated Effect makes it 1600>
that Makes Burn 20% per sec = 320
and Concentrated Effect then increases the Dot by 60% (More) making it 512 dps
Q6. General math
Finally i would like to confirm that im calculating dmg correctly.
You char has a total.
Elem dmg = 20
Fire damage = 30
Area Damage = 10
Trap Damage = 15
Spell damage = 50
Burning Damage = 25
Concentrated Effect 60% more
and on your Fire Trap GEM you have 1000 (average)
Initial hit would be
Elem + Fire + Area + Trap + Spell = 125% ( x 2.25 )
Concentrated effect 60% so (x 1.60)
( 1000 * 2.25 ) * 1.60 = 3600 DMG
Ignite would be
Elem + Fire + Area + Trap + Burning = 100% ( x 2.00 )
Concentrated effect 60% so (x 1.60)
20% of 3600 is 720.
(720 * 2.00)* 1.6 = 2304 DPS .. for 4 sec ofc
Last edited by Vepar90 on Mar 31, 2015, 11:44:37 PM
Posted by
on Mar 31, 2015, 9:31:05 PM
i know this is a lot of text but .. if you are interested ..
Last edited by Vepar90 on Mar 31, 2015, 11:53:21 PM
Posted by
on Mar 31, 2015, 11:19:17 PM
Q1: correct
Q2: correct
Q3: incorrect, penetration from the tree is the same as on the support gem. Penetration is like poison or bleeding in that it only ever effects on-hit.
Q4+5: ignite is effected by fire, elemental, burning and DoT damage. I'm not entirely sure on trap damage. Area damage, including conc effect, will have no effect as ignite is not an area effect. The fire damage over time ground effect of fire trap however is effected by area damage, it is a separate effect to ignite. This also means you can both ignite an enemy with fire trap initial hit AND deal fire damage over time from the ground effect, they do not replace eachother like ignites do.
Q6: If you remove area from ignite you'd be correct. Again I'm not totally sure on trap damage, I think it does work but it might not.
Hope that helps.
IGN: swampassking, yellingman, pisswailer, screamingasshole, crabass, funman, shittingtodeath, hirasawayui
Last edited by Wooser69 on Apr 1, 2015, 1:46:33 AM
Posted by
on Apr 1, 2015, 1:45:23 AM
Q1: correct
Q2: correct
Q3: incorrect, penetration from the tree is the same as on the support gem. Penetration is like poison or bleeding in that it only ever effects on-hit.
Q4+5: ignite is effected by fire, elemental, burning and DoT damage. I'm not entirely sure on trap damage. Area damage, including conc effect, will have no effect as ignite is not an area effect. The fire damage over time ground effect of fire trap however is effected by area damage, it is a separate effect to ignite. This also means you can both ignite an enemy with fire trap initial hit AND deal fire damage over time from the ground effect, they do not replace eachother like ignites do.
Q6: If you remove area from ignite you'd be correct. Again I'm not totally sure on trap damage, I think it does work but it might not.
Hope that helps.

Followup though.
For Q3 about penetration im inclined to agree. Not really sure why I thought otherwise, Everywhere its specified that Fire penetration 'gem' doesn't work, no one ever mentioned Penetration on the tree so i just assumed.
As for the Q4,5 and 6.
Are u 100% sure about this because according to
The following modifiers will directly affect the damage of Ignite; note that some of these modifiers apply only to the Ignite whereas some may also apply to the skill that triggered it:
Damage over Time modifiers
Burning Damage modifiers
Damage modifiers
Fire Damage modifiers
Elemental Damage modifiers
Area Damage modifiers if applied by an Area skill
Projectile Damage modifiers if applied by a Projectile skill
Trap Damage modifiers if applied by a Trap
Mine Damage modifiers if applied by a Mine
Totem Damage modifiers if applied by a Totem
Minion Damage modifiers if applied by a Minion

it says that
'Trap Damage modifiers if applied by a Trap'
'Area Damage modifiers if applied by an Area skill'
so if you use a trap to Apply the ignite, all Trap mods should work on Ignite aswell.
Same goes for Area. Fire Trap is an area skill .. so Area DMG should work with Irnite
Last edited by Vepar90 on Apr 1, 2015, 1:59:23 AM
Posted by
on Apr 1, 2015, 1:56:10 AM
I'd trust the wiki then, it's more often than not right. I suppose it is after all just generic damage that requires a specific type of skill like 'projectile damage' nodes do. Have at it!
IGN: swampassking, yellingman, pisswailer, screamingasshole, crabass, funman, shittingtodeath, hirasawayui
Posted by
on Apr 1, 2015, 3:59:29 AM

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